I saw on a youtube video that a dupe for MAC Lollipop Loving l/s was Wet n Wild 516C l/s. This color is not flattering on me at all! (FYI: I have berry/red pigmented lips and been told to be NC40 in MAC. )

My natural lip color.

WnW 516c lipstick
First, let's talk about the l/s itself, it costs 99cents without tax. It did not seem drying and it applied easily. The picture above of the l/s is true-to-color, orange-red-pink with some shimmer. (Sorry, forgot the actual color of the shimmer, since I already gave this to my cousin.) The shimmer might look like glitter on the l/s tube but on your lips it has a frosty effect. The l/s applied basically true to color on my lips. Also, itseemed a little frosty in appearance.

The above pictures are my lips with the WnW l/s.
I don't think this picture shows how unflattering it is,
nor does it really show that the l/s is true-to-color.
The picture reflects the frosty pink color.
In this picture, it actually looks nice! But don't be fooled!
You know how your lips look when you drink fruit punch, or some other drink, that stains your lips slightly red? Well, that's exactly what my lips looked like, especially when I opened my mouth and you see my inner berry/red lips.
WARNING: I would NOT recommend this l/s color to anyone with berry/red pigmented lips! It's not a good look. HOWEVER, I had my cousins try this on and it looked nice on her. She has much more darker skin than me and her lips are almost a muted brown with slight pink undertone. The l/s on her had a baby pink frosty effect and lightened her natural lip color.
I can't say that this l/s really is a dupe for MAC LL l/s because I don't own MAC LL l/s nor have I tried it on.
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